Friday, June 20, 2014

Take a Look At This YouTube Review of a Listerine Ad!

A Cure-All for Perio Problems?

Listerine created a campaign in the U.K. advertising their Advanced Defense Gum Treatment, noting that 8 out of 10 people have gum disease. The commercial defines gingivitis very simply by stating how poor methods of plaque removal lead to gum inflammation, bleeding gums, and hardened plaque causes gingivitis to worsen to peridontitis and tooth loss. The ad affirms that this product is recommended by dentists, and if used daily after brushing, can protect against germs and plaque, can "repair and restore" gums back to a healthy state in as little as two weeks, and can guard against further gum damage. The video is popular simply for its pitch out to consumers indicating that a liquid product can simply rid gum disease if used regularly, voiding all other forms of non-surgical and surgical treatment. The ad, in my opinion, was created for middle-class adults who are able to purchase products such as Listerine, and who desire a quick and easy fix to a problem that could only be fixed with a visit to the dentist, which can become costly. I believe the argument being made by the ad lacks a lot of evidence, and it would have been more convincing if actual experimental study results were included, as well as real photos of cases in which this miraculous product did "repair gums in two weeks," instead of a virtual tooth and gum model on the screen. Al Habashneh et al. published their findings of the effect of Listerine on gingivitis and dental plaque earlier in 2014, and the researchers concluded based on prior findings and their own clinical samplings of blood and mouth washing habits of a sample population that Listerine could show results of improved gingival (gum) health within four weeks, and that even though Listerine has contained antigingivitis properties was only visible after 6 to 9 month periods. The ad is definitely misleading in telling people to expect such short-term results so fast, and could harm consumer oral health by not specifying that Listerine needs to be used consistently in order to show results. Some consumers lacking proper oral health knowledge may buy the product, use it for two weeks, and then believe that their gingivitis or periodontitis can be cured instantly without further measured. This is an example of an ad that needs reconstruction in order to better reflect the scientific experimentation and reasoning behind why periodontitis should be treated both in and outside of a dental office, with frequent health care check-ups. 
Image from


Al Habashneh, R., et al. "The Effect of Listerine Mouthwash on Dental Plaque, Gingival Inflammation and C-reactive protein (CRP)." Dentistry 4.191 (2014): 2161-1122.

Listerine. "LISTERINE® Advanced Defence Gum Treatment - Clinically proven to treat gum disease." Online video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 13 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 June 2014. <>

Listerine Gum Treatment Used Daily After Brushing. Digital image. Listerine. Listerine U.K., 2014. Web. 20 June 2014. <>.

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